Cashflow modelling

Maintaining the lifestyle you want in later life

We take into account several factors when exploring how we can help you maintain the lifestyle you want in later life. Whilst it is important to incorporate tax efficiency, different product types and varying investment strategies we also need to take into account fundamental questions that relate specifically to how you wish to live out your retirement.

Questions to ask yourself about your retirement:

  • Will I outlive my money or will my money outlive me?
  • What income can I expect to receive from my pension and other savings?
  • Will I need to change my lifestyle once I retire?
  • If I were to pass away first, how would this affect my partner?

Understand how much your pension and savings will produce

Many people don’t fully understand how much money they will need to live the lifestyle they want in retirement and whether their savings will be sufficient.

This is where we help in providing you with an estimate of your requirements for both income and lump sums in retirement as well as identify where you might expect money to come from in the future. We then use modelling tools to create a picture of what your financial future might look like and explore the various ‘what if’ scenarios.

The cash flow model gives you a starting point from which to plan and inform your decisions for your financial future. As time goes by your position and needs will change, so whilst this is a good place to start, it will need to be returned to and updated over the years.

Cashflow modelling is also referred to as cash flow planning or lifestyle forecasting. You can find out more by watching the video below. Book your consultation today to understand how this can work for you.

Let's talk

If you would like to obtain a clearer view of your financial future book a free call now.

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